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Nursing Interventions for Dehydration: Managing Fluid Volume Deficit

Nursing Interventions for Dehydration: Managing Fluid Volume Deficit

Dehydration, or fluid volume deficit, is a common problem and vocational nursing diagnosis. When there is an excessive loss of fluid, it is called dehydration. Water is not present in the blood cells of the body surface. This is because the human body systems expels more fluids than it takes in.

Risk Factors

Dehydration is more common in certain populations and individuals. Some of these populations include:

  • Elderly patients
  • Infants and children
  • Chronically ill individuals
  • Individuals who have complex medication regimens, especially those that include diuretics.
  • Active individuals may not rehydrate after exercise.

Nursing Assessment

In the first step, the nurse who pass out from ATI nursing school gathers physical, psychological, emotional, and diagnostic information.

The next section will discuss subjective data regarding dehydration.

  • Do a Complete Head-to-toe Assessment

The nurse can then assess the person as a whole and combine all the data when making a clinical decision of mental health in nursing homes & health care facilities. This will also help identify the cause of the dehydration.

  • Measure Fluid Intake and Output

The nurse will be able to determine the intravenous fluid loss & determine the fluid balance level by the patient using objective data.

  • Check Vital Signs

If you are dehydrated, your vital signs can be abnormal (e.g., tactical signs of dehydration include tachycardia or orthostatic hypotension.

  • Test the Laboratory Values

Dehydration can cause abnormal blood levels (i.e., If you notice abnormal electrolyte balance level, kidney functions or renal major function, then it is likely that the patient has dehydration.

  • Assess the Skin Turgor

Dehydration can cause skin to lose its elasticity.

Nursing Objectives

Here are some examples of goals and outcomes in relation to fluid volume deficit.

  • The client is normalovolemic if the systolic BP is greater or equal to 90 mm HG, there is no orthostasis (or baseline values), HR ranges from 60 to 100 beats/minute, concentrated urine output exceeds 30 mL/hr, and normal skin turgor is normal. Take anatomy and physiology classes to know the complete details about anatomical structures & understand the concepts of nursing practice.
  • The client shows lifestyle changes that can be made to prevent the dehydration from progressing.
  • The client verbalizes their awareness of the causative factors as well as behaviors necessary to correct fluid deficit.
  • The client describes the steps that the client can take to prevent or treat fluid volume loss.
  • The client describes symptoms that indicate that a consultation with a healthcare provider is necessary.

Related:- Impaired Comfort Nursing Diagnosis: Assessment and Interventions

Nursing Interventions for Dehydration

Care and nursing are vital for the patient’s recovery. Illinois college of nursing tuition with pre – requisites courses also helps nursing students to learn the intervention for dehydration. You will learn about nursing interventions for dehydration that can be used to help a dehydrated patient.

  • Remind the Patient to Take Oral Intake

Reminding and encouraging people to drink oral fluids, even if they don’t feel thirsty, can help them remember to do so.

  • If Necessary, Administer Intravenous Hydration

Patients who are severely dehydrated or unable to drink water may need IV hydration in order to maintain healthy hydration.

  • Inform the Patient and His Family About Possible Causes of Dehydration

The patient and their family will benefit from nursing education to better understand the diagnosis of dehydration and the preventative measures that they can take to avoid it in the future.

  • Replace Electrolytes as Required/as Directed

It is vital that the practical nurse monitors electrolyte levels imbalances and gives supplemental replacements if necessary. Likewise, night and weekend nursing programs for clinical practice are also here to help you learn about internal functions & about diabetic ketoacidosis in nursing profession.

  • Instruct the Patient and His Family on How to Monitor Intakes and Outputs

Once discharged, patients and their families will need to be able to monitor fluid status & their intake and cardiac output to make sure they maintain the appropriate level of hydration.

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  • Weigh Patients Daily

The professional nurse can easily monitor intracellular fluid overload by taking daily weight accurate measurements.

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